Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

December 2012

Recent Posts

In the spirit of the holidays, we’re making out our list, checking it twice, and finding out what is naughty and nice when it comes to growing your business.  Our “naughty” list consists of a few things that hamper or stall business growth, where as our “nice” list contains ideas and concepts that encourage business growth.


  • Lack of planning and, subsequently, clarity and direction
  • Absent strategic plan (and goals)
  • Doing the same thing expecting different results
  • Clients that don’t fit your ideal client profile
  • Under earning
  • Lack of timely follow-up
  • Unclear brand
  • Outdated marketing collaterals
  • Multitasking
  • Desperation


  • Implement strategic planning
  • Transform the way you think (and conduct) your business
  • Take a quantum leap
  • Hire a coach
  • Work ONLY with your ideal clients
  • Slow down in order to be thoughtful about your strategic execution
  • Eliminate 15% of your clients to allow for those who are a better fit to find you
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Take time to rest and rejuvenate
  • Hire vendors and staffing for the company you intend to become
  • Work your best hours
  • Provide the unexpected to your clients
  • Remain relevant
  • Demonstrate gratitude
  •  Establish value-based goals

Frankly, most businesses have a bit of “naughty” mixed in with the “nice”.

Our wish for you this holiday season?  That you enjoy increasingly greater amounts of “nice” for the upcoming year.

Additional blog posts we think you’ll like:

Entrepreneur Speak: 8 Tips to a Stress-Less Holiday (Ho! Ho! Ho!)

Is Ungrowth the New Growth Strategy for Business?

Is it Time to Rethink Your Business Growth?

30 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Grow Their Business

The Four Stages of Growing Your Business

Every entrepreneur look forward to a new year with great enthusiasm. There’s something exciting about a clean slate. It’s an opportunity to reboot your goals.

And, to make sure your optimism and enthusiasm is well-placed, start your year with a solid plan to keep you focused, on track, and moving in the right direction.

Optimism for an entrepreneur is a handy quality to possess. Despite detours that threaten to temper our passion or slow us down, optimism fuels forward movement.  Although some entrepreneurs prefer not to bring reality into the equation, the most solid, successful plans are those anchored in truth.

Someone once said, “People don’t plan to fail—they fail to plan.” Artfully conducting a year-end assessment is a refreshing way to bring the current year to a conclusion. The real win in the end-of-year assessment is the insight gained that shape objectives, goals, and plans for the upcoming year. entrepreneur end of year assessment

To support your planning efforts, we’ve created an end-of-year-assessment to guide you through the process. Here are just a few key decision points included:

  • What was your revenue this past year?
  • How did it differ from the previous year? (gain/loss)
  • What accomplishments are you most proud of this year?
  • What was your greatest learning?
  • What impact will your learning have on your new year?

We’re just getting started! In total, there are 57 questions for you to answer. 

Join our cohort at Eureka to access the End-of-Year Assessment.

Plan today for a prosperous tomorrow. 

While the mission of your business centers on what you are called to achieve, your vision is the result of all you desire to accomplish.  It is your ideal — your future. The vision you create for your business is the sustaining force that stimulates innovation, communicates passion, and inspires the masses to action. It is the vacuum that pulls you, and others, forward.

During a recent conversation with one of my clients, I asked about their long-term vision. I wanted to understand where this energetic and optimistic entrepreneur was going with their business. To this straightforward inquiry, they enthusiastically responded, “No, but I do have a 3-year lease”. Don’t you love it?!

Any entrepreneur who has ever launched a business can relate to this pragmatic vision. If it’s not a lease driving our future, it’s reaching an age milestone, starting a family, retirement, purchasing a first home, or a loan coming due that marks the future of our business.

In our rush to launch, it’s not uncommon to focus on the tactical aspects of growing and developing our business with hopes to return to crystallizing our vision when time allows. Somehow, that time doesn’t seem to present itself – until we find ourselves traveling along a road we never intended.

Although a few previously undefined twists and turns can prove to be a good learning curve for your business, they can also cause us to lose valuable time and opportunities. Consider your responses to the following questions to shed some light on the vision of your business and get yourself on the best track for your future:

1. What do you care about most?

2. What are you working on that is making a profound difference for you and others?

3. What gifts and talents are you currently using? What gifts and talents would are currently not be utilized that you would like to put into operation?

4. What does creating your vision mean for you?

5. Where would you like to be in 3 years? 5 years? 10 or 20 years?

6. What would you achieve if you were ten times bolder?

7. What do you want more (less) of?

8. If you had only one year to live, how would you want to live it?

9. What ‘theme’ consistently runs through your life?

10. What do you want to leave for others?

Remember: To live without a clear image of your own vision is to live someone else’s vision.

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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