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Best Practices, Business Coaching, Small Business Strategy

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Small business coaching is vital to the success of any business. Having someone who can encourage and lead you in the right direction can help you reach – and even exceed – your goals. Although most entrepreneurs realize the importance of coaching, skepticism surrounds the use of professional coaching for small business. As a result, entrepreneurs often turn to other sources for advice and mentoring.  Legitimate business coaching, however, provides benefits that simply aren’t available elsewhere. (Click to Tweet)

Why So Skeptical of Business Coaching? 

Every industry has its skeptics, and business coaching is no exception. In some cases, that skepticism is well-founded, such as when the coach has little to no experience, or when the basic competencies of coaching are not applied due to a lack of training.

Some skepticism is good. After all, you certainly don’t want your business coach guiding you in the wrong direction, wasting your precious time and resources. It’s important to check out the legitimacy of anyone offering business advice, which leads us to our next point…additional sources of support and advice.

Other Sources of Business Advice 

The skepticism of coaching for small business has led many owners to seek mentoring and advice from sources other than professional coaches. While each source has its benefits, each one also has its downfalls.

  • Friends – It’s human nature to seek out close friends and family for advice, especially regarding major business decisions. The negative consequences of this, though, often outweigh the positive. For one, too many differing opinions can leave you more conflicted than before you sought advice. Plus, friends may lack the business acumen required to lead you in the right direction.
  • SCORE – SCORE is a program that offers small business advice, templates, and other free resources. It can be a great tool when you’re starting out, but it provides generic advice that may not always be useful in your particular situation.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) – The SBA is a wonderful resource for offering loans, grants, and educational events. The problem with this program is the same as with SCORE. Advice given is generic, and lacks the personal touch that comes with tailored coaching for small business.

Customized Business Coaching is the Way to Go

You’ve put your heart, tears, and sweat into creating and launching your enterprise. It’s your baby. So why take advice from anyone other than the best professional in the coaching industry? (We ask ourselves that question all the time!)

Your challenges and opportunities are most likely not the same as any other entity, inside or outside your niche. When working with a qualified small business coach, you get a strategy catered to your company’s individual needs and goals. That’s why it’s vital to seek guidance from someone who understands your obstacles, and can help turn them into opportunities.

Running and growing a business is no piece of cake. Snag all the help you can. Everything from what kind of social media strategy to incorporate, to how to effectively grow your client base, weigh heavily on your mind. This is why customized coaching is the best option.

After all, cookie cutters are great for the holidays – not business coaching. (Click to Tweet)

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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