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This is a guest post by Brian Collins. Brian is a blogger and freelance writer with experience posting on a variety of tech related topics.

These days, small businesses are increasingly centered around digital environments. This is not to say that traditional office environments have, by any means, become obsolete, but the trend is certainly leading toward increased implementation of advanced web development and technology in business practices of all shapes and sizes. And, along with this trend, one of the most important things for developing small businesses in today’s world is to become convenient, efficient, and accessible in a virtual network. Here are a few tips on how to set up your website or online business for success in digital networking and business practices.

Implement Advanced File Sharing

One of the quickest ways to give your business website more professional capabilities is to take advantage of advanced file sharing options. A quick glance at a site like can show you the range of specific options involved, but the two most significant perks are support for large files, and increased security. With advanced file sharing, you will be able to transfer large files (presentations, videos, photo albums, extensive documents, etc.) with ease between employees and clients. Often, such files cannot be sent by ordinary email because they can be too large. Additionally, advanced file sharing programs and services can offer you increased security options for these file transactions, helping you to ensure that business communications end up where they’re supposed to.

Take Advantage of Cloud Storage

Another perk of advanced file sharing services that can help make your website more appealing in an increasingly digitized environment is cloud storage. As it currently stands, many people still rely on individual devices for their data and work. For example, you may be working on a business project that you can access only from your work computer. With cloud storage, such work can be saved to a digital “cloud” where it can be accessed from any device, using the proper login. This allows you not only to be less reliant on individual machines to preserve your work, but also allows you to share work digitally.

Improve Your Web Design

Finally, it is also important in today’s digital network of business to improve web design as much as possible. And, ultimately, this goes well beyond making your business website aesthetically pleasing. It also means implementing tools to make the functions on a website particularly user-friendly, both for employees and clients. Some advanced file sharing programs also include options for improving the visual and functional quality of a website, which in turn makes your online business more accessible and more appealing to the virtual community.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can share files online and protect your data with, please join Synnovatia at Virtually Anywhere, a virtual B2B networking group, on Thursday, March 14, 2013 from 8 – 9 am PST where a rep from will provide additional information. For further details, contact Jackie from Synnovatia at

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Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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