Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

Client Acquisition

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There’s a curious similarity between client acquisition and growing vegetables. Like planting sprouts and seeds in hopes to take part in the full bounty of vegetables, entrepreneurs perform a very similar action when acquiring new clients. And, like gardening, our efforts often produce unexpected surprise.


Farming in the Dell

Having grown up in farming country, I had a front row seat to the complexities of planting and harvesting. My grandmother’s farm, famously known as the IDeal Farm, was the epicenter of a variety of farming activities.
From furrowing, planting, fertilizing, and growing a variety of grains, the hands of every available grandson and granddaughter was needed. And, when it came to time to harvest, a “thrashing crew” appeared to assist.
With the large number of “hired hands” to feed, the farm was the “ideal” place to produce a bountiful vegetable garden to feed everyone. As an urban farmer, I continue to employ my gardening prowess.
What recently happened amazed me!

Late Bloomers 

I planted a variety of vegetables last summer. Even though I had missed the ideal window for planting, I enjoyed a nice harvest of several vegetables including green beans, cucumbers, peas, swiss chard, and bok choy. It was fabulous!
After several weeks, the growing season ended. Then, this happened…
Following a well needed, albeit small amount of rain in southern California, seeds germinated from the earlier planting season. Carrots, bok choy, peas, and swiss chard seeds, planted 5 months earlier, began producing. Shocker!

Be Patient With Client Acquisition Seeds

My “late blooming” veggies were a good reminder of our lead generation and client acquisition efforts as entrepreneurs – and how they produce.
We plant, and nurture our marketing seeds. After a short time, we harvest the bounty of our efforts. When the immediate yield is less than expected – or anticipated – it can be discouraging. As evidenced by many a vegetable garden, it doesn’t mean that lead generation efforts weren’t productive.
Seeds planted – on a farm, in a garden, and in business – continue to incubate. Take time. Be patient. And, allow your efforts to yield results.

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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