Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

Productivity, Time Management, Goal Management, Best Practices, Performance, Entrepreneurship

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If you grew up during the Industrial Age, you developed a great appreciation for time management as a means of getting things done. With the dawning of the Information Age, managing time has become an obsolete and ineffective skill. Those who get things done and get ahead in life learn to be good goal managers. Goal management focuses on planning and prioritizing the day’s activities around your goals…not your time.

Let’s face it, the amount information and the volume of tasks you tackle each day is just plain dizzying. Is it any wonder you’re time-deprived and overwhelmed? It’s easy to be pulled off course in this “age of distraction”. Consequently, it’s essential to properly plan each day to make sure your primary focus is on actions and activities directly linked to achieving your goals.

We created the Daily Goal Planner with you, the busy entrepreneur, in mind. Its purpose is twofold: keep you focused on the most critical activities to move your business forward and shift you from “doing your business” to “growing your business”.

Download the Daily Goal Planner today and follow these five steps to ensure you’re moving toward your goals each and every day.

Five Steps to Goal Management

1. Enter your long-term goals. Your goals keep you focused, provide direction, and give your day purpose. A long-term goal may be your billable hours for the year that are part of your position description or it may be to improve profitability.

2. Record your short-term goal. Your short-term goal is tied to your long-term goal and gives you greater clarification. An example of a short-term goal may be the number of hours needed this month to achieve your long-term goals.

3. Determine your top priorities.Based on your long-term and short-term goals, determine your top priorities for the day—those actions that directly affect your short/long-term goals. Determine how much time is needed for your top priorities.

4. Design your day. Armed with your long/short-term goals and top priorities, you’re ready to plan your day. Begin by entering in appointments previously scheduled. Then, enter your top priorities and the time needed

5. Catalog your to do. This is your list of other actions that need your attention but are not associated with long/short term goals.

With your goals clearly defined and focus on your top priorities, you are ready to launch a high-performance day.

Stay tuned for our regularly scheduled “Five on Friday” when we share down and dirty techniques that you can implement immediately to grow your business.  Subscribe to our blog today.

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Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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