Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

Sales, Marketing

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Summer has arrived and it’s a typical time for vacation.  I admit.  I’ve taken a few long weekends myself.

Kids are out of school.  The summer heat drives people to the beach.  And, longer daylight hours motivate the masses to move about. Plus, we’ve been trained from the time we were a kid to take time off each summer to play.  Even all of Europe goes “on holiday” in July.  No wonder its tough finding anyone at their desk.

As a result, revenue-generating activities can take a hit as you hear “get back to us the middle of August when everyone’s back from vacation”.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t help in the moment.

All is not lost, however.  This newly found time can be used to tackle some of the many business development pieces that the busier times don’t always afford.

Here are ten activities to jump-start your summer sales:

  1. Launch your blog.  Seriously.  You’ve probably been talking about it since 2001 (or was that just me).
  2. Update your value proposition.  The economy changed. Buyers are value-conscious. Make sure your value proposition is still in step.
  3. Hit the refresh button your brand. Like furniture left untouched, it likely has gathered a little dust and could benefit from a little spit-shine.
  4. Create your strategic plan.  My clients tell me it makes ‘em sweat but they love the results it produces.
  5. Develop your disaster plan.
  6. Reconnect with former clients.  It’s 5X more costly to acquire new clients than it is to nurture former client relationships.
  7. Launch your social media strategy.  I read somewhere that “if you’re not marketing online, you’re not marketing”.  Good stuff.
  8. Update your website.
  9. Learn something new.  See point #7.
  10. Generate more leads.  Not everyone is on vacation.  Find those that aren’t.

If you don’t find any of these appealing, you can always revert back to old comfortable standby’s of shuffling papers and worrying.

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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