Let’s Celebrate Women Who Influence Our Small Business Achievements


Did you know that March is National Women’s History Month? (I must live under a rock, as I hadn’t seen it publicized.) Although I personally believe that every month should be National Women’s History Month, alas, we’ll celebrate when we can! 


This year’s theme, “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives,” reminded me of the women whose stories are woven into the fabric of my life and, subsequently, into my business.
My Grandmother – known in the community as “Ma” – taught me about overcoming overwhelm; something every small business entrepreneur benefits from knowing.
My mom, rest her soul, left an indelible influence on how to treat others respectfully through common sense and practical advice like “wear clean underwear”.
My Jewish great-grandmother, disowned by her family when she married a Lutheran, taught me courage of conviction in the face of controversy. She imparted lion-heatedness and tender-heartedness when, as a young woman in the early 1900’s, she immigrated to the Unites States from what was Prussia, purchased land, and donated it to the church.
My aunt, who never had children of her own yet nurtured her nephews and nieces, taught the significance of attention to detail through weekly cleaning of window frames and baseboards – which is why you’ll never find a round corner in my house.
Another aunt who imparted the value of enjoyment, laughter, and happiness when she taught “dirty” phrases in Russian when my parent’s back was turned. She may have been my very first “coach.”
Why It Matters
Although their courage, common sense, humor, and influence will likely not be published in a history book, like those of Susan B. Anthony or Rosa Parks, their influence is indelibly published in my history book.
The National Women’s History Project says it best:

“By walking history’s pathways, we learn to step forward with confidence. The legacy of how others shaped society sparks our own longings to contribute. Everyone needs role models — footsteps enough like our own to inspire us. 

History must tell the whole story. For girls, knowing women’s achievements expands their sense of what is possible. For all of us, knowledge of women’s strengths and contributions builds respect and nourishes self esteem — crucial to all children and adults now, and in the years to come.”

What women influence your small business achievements?

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Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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