Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

Happiness at Work, Attitude

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What entrepreneur hasn’t launched their enterprise with enthusiasm and optimism for the future? Little did you suspect you would one day awake with a groan. After hitting the snooze alarm for the third time, you blubber “I don’t want to go to work today.” You sound like a snotty-nosed first-grader dreading school.

What makes this situation hairy? You own the small business you dread working at. Yikes!

(Do you want to banish resentment from your business once and for all? Click here to speak to a strategic business coach.)

What happened? How did you go from slaying giants to pondering a gig at Starbucks? Well, like many, you began working long past the hours you intended for challenging clients for a smidgen of what your business needs to grow. Before you realized, resentment crept in. Sound familiar?

Potential Cause of Resentment

Frankly, if you silently relate to what I’m talking about, you’re not alone. Many of the small business clients I coach have secretly expressed the same exasperation. In fact, I’ve experienced it myself. It sounds a lot like this (using your best whiny voice):

I don’t want to go to work today.
I hate my work.
This is just too exhausting.
I should just pull the plug and get a job.
If I have to look at one more email, I’m going to (fill in the blank).
Oh, it’s her/him again! Let it go to voicemail.

You wouldn’t be normal if some of these thoughts hadn’t danced across your mind a time or two.

Resentment doesn’t magically appear overnight. It occurs over a period of time. While unsuspectingly humming along growing your business, resentment creeps in and spreads like measles at Disney.

How did you get there? Let me count the ways:

  • Burnout including working weekends, 12–14 hour days, seldom taking a full day off without checking email, and non-stop stress makes “Jack a dull boy.”
  • Underpricing which impacts underearning. Combined with long hours, it’s the perfect equation for exasperation.
  • Overwhelm including over commitment, lack of prioritization, unrealistic expectations, and foggy goals eventually backfires and fuels dissatisfaction.
  • Working with the wrong clients and add taxing, challenging, low-paying clients for a picture-perfect grudge.
  • Excess demands whether requests of others or ourselves, feeling “piled on” leads to bitterness and annoyance.
  • Lack of results for resources expended fuels cynicism and pessimism for what’s possible.

The Remedy for Resentment

Now that you’re thoroughly bummed, with your finger poised to call Starbucks, let me reassure you—there is a way out.

Ready to get started? Of course you are!

  1. Set boundaries.
    Decide the hour of day you open and close your business. Do it now. Mark it as such on your calendar. And, set your phone to ring only during business hours.Consider how you’ll keep projects within their scope, or receive compensation for additional work when scope creep raises its hand.
  2. Stick to your boundaries.
    Move beyond merely thinking about boundaries. Implement the boundaries outlined with others—and yourself. (Yes, it’s true. At times, we are our worst boundary violators.)
  3. Adjust your pricing.
    Price your product or service in a way that is fair to your client, your business, and you. Proper compensation for your expertise infuses a business with palpable happiness and optimism.
  4. Work with your ideal client.
    When working with your picture-perfect client, you do your best work—and bring joy to your business and everyone it touches. Just ask the folks at Everett Andrew Marketing. Their clients are excited to work with them.Download the buyer persona and create your perfect client.
  5. Schedule time off—stick to it.
    Whether it’s a long weekend or 10 days in Japan, time removed from your routine business environment adds a fresh, new perspective. And, renewed enthusiasm for your work. Who knows? Your business might succeed on a 25-hour workweek.
  6. Track results and change course to get results.
    Metrics are a small business owner’s best friend. They reveal what’s working—and what’s not. Let them excite and inform you of the next best steps to your destination.
  7. Disengage digitally at the close of your business day.
    Turn it off. Shut it down. Let yourself disconnect from all things business-related. Your brain—and your family—will thank you.
  8. Align expectations with reality.
    Understand the reality of your small business’ capability and capacity. Underpromise to ensure expectations and reality remain in sync.

You don’t have to resent your business. Although, it won’t be easy. (Easy means with little or no effort.) However, you can’t just read this, bookmark it, and promise you’ll get to it later.

Stop what you’re doing and implement these changes immediately. Otherwise, whether it’s tomorrow, next month, or next year you’ll feel the same way…. and its not worth it—especially when there is an effective fix for resentment.

Need some support, tools, techniques and accountability to put resentment to rest in your business? Contact a strategic business coach today.

Have you experienced resentment toward your small business? What did you do to overcome it?

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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