Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

Small Business Growth, Business Coaching

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business growth

Picture this. You’re traveling down the road at breakneck speed. Music is blaring. Kids are hanging out the window. And, the scenery? Frankly, it’s all a blur.

The road has potholes, the engine’s knocking, and Bobbie is missing – all clear indicators that this trip is in trouble. Plus, if you’re honest, this terrain isn’t the least bit familiar.

You’re moving so quickly that there’s little time to ensure you’re moving in the right direction, let alone recalibrate your GPS to determine if the “you are here” is accurate.

Sounds familiar doesn’t it – with one exception. This isn’t a scene ripped out of National Lampoon’s Vacation; it’s your small business journey.

Where Did Things Go Wrong

Toddlers, teens, and tweens share common developmental characteristics that help the often-befuddled parent successfully maneuver the various pitfalls and perils of raising children.

So, too, business growth comes with its distinctive stages of development, complete with growing pains. Ahhhhh!

As a parent, you don’t want to coach or parent your kids beyond their developmental capabilities. The same philosophy applies to your business.

When you thought the diaper stage was over, you’re right back to sleepless nights and sh*tty jobs no one else wants to do. Plus, you want to ensure you’re not jumping over the stages that your business needs to mature to “adulthood.”

It’s enough to make the most stoic of us break down in tears – or at least a cold sweat.

business growth

What’s Your Stage?

It’s common to misidentify the stage your business inhabits. For example, some entrepreneurs categorize the period of growth and development on years in the industry rather than revenue. The miscalculation is a colossal mistake as growth initiatives and precious resources fail proper allocation.

In a nutshell, the most common phases are:

Stage One: Core Business Development

This period ranges from startup to approximately $500,000 in annual revenue for a service-based business. Stage one is the time to prove your business model, find your place in the sun, and build a strong foundation.

During this stage, business coaching focuses on client acquisition with an emphasis on creating predictability in marketing, sales, and planning. (We love predictability.)

Stage Two: Expansion

Whew! You’ve made it through the proving stage. Breathe a bit of sigh of relief, if for only a moment. Then, it’s time to engage the clutch, shift gears, and formalize your operational system.

If your business is in the service industry, this phase generally occurs between $350,000 – $1 million in annual revenue, give or take.

Are you feeling overcome with chaos and overwhelmed? Guess what? You’re not alone! You can thank the clash of resources between client acquisition/sales and operations for this anxiety-inducing moment.

The entrepreneurial spirit that carried your business thus far continues to fuel innovation.

With the addition of staff, you are no longer the “lone wolf.” Therefore, learning to delegate, communicate, lead and coach your team effectively is vitally important to free you up to focus on more of the strategic aspect of the business.

In addition to executing the critical operational structure needed to bring calm and consistency to the chaos of growth, coaching your business includes guiding you through the development of operational, strategic, and leadership skills required for the uphill climb.

Hang on! There is light at the end of the tunnel (and it’s not a train coming at you.)

Stage Three: Professionally Managed Enterprise

From approximately $5 – $40 million in annual revenue for a service-based business, business coaching focuses on strategic planning, development, and performance management. This emphasis allows you, as the owner, to keep your eye on profits as you expand your products and services.

Stage Four: Organizational Maturity

When your organization soars about the $40 million annual revenue mark, culture and management are the primary focus of business coaching. Who knows! At this point, you may be looking to succession planning with the near retirement destination.

Shift Into the Right Gear for Business Growth

You haven’t lost your mind (although we all question our sanity on occasion.) In this fast-moving information age, it’s easy to get distracted by other activities outside the primary focus of the stage our business resides. This lack of focus pulls us off course and sends us careening into obstacles. It’s feeling like a human pinball that constructs a crisis of identity and drives us to grab at straws – any straws – to get us back on track.

If you’re looking for the super highway of predictable growth for your business, identify your business’s stage of development, shift gears, and align your daily activity with the correct focus.

Trust me. It’s a trip worth taking!

There are many reasons – valid and invalid – for caution that many of us as small business owners experience. Granted, a measured amount of caution is useful. It triggers due diligence to better manage risk and make better decisions. An overabundance of caution, on the other hand, is liable to choke your business growth

Cautiousness in business is like bubble wrap. It’s cushioning material provides a protective layer. Although protective of harsh blows, it also creates delays, prompts missed opportunities, causes us to misjudge or misinterpret events, and changes our course of action that ultimately sabotages our business growth.

During my tenure as a business coach, I’ve seen many reasons for excessive cautiousness in small business owners, including:

  • failure taken out of context
  • lack of belief in oneself
  • unproven business model that is unstable and produces lackluster results
  • missing information
  • under-developed business skills
  • etc etc etc

Regardless of the cause, however, being overly cautiousness is NOT a recommended strategy for growth. In order to achieve your goals to grow your business at the rate and pace you desire – and need – for joy, fulfillment, freedom, and flexibility you seek, you have to “pop” your way through the layers of protective cautiousness.

That’s where business coaching comes in.

No longer a new and shiny object, business coaching is being recognized by more small business owners as a tool that ensures a clear mind and the necessary focus to stay on the course to upward trending growth. In essence, business coaching done right removes the protective layer of cautiousness that previously kept you stuck. It puts you on a path to accelerate your business growth.

1. Business coaching creates forward movement. With caution comes a blurred vision. Unable to see a clear way forward, valuable resources get squandered as you head in multiple directions – often simultaneously. You can’t veer off track with business coaching. Business coaching ensures your vision is crystal clear and smart strategies are implemented that are aligned with your vision to help you stay the course.

2. Business coaching prevents unrelenting cautiousness from becoming a habit. As with anything, the more we do it, the stronger it becomes. Cautiousness is one habit you don’t want to strengthen. Business coaching interrupts the vicious cycle of cautiousness (and that sense of powerlessness) by providing you with the tools, techniques, information, and skills you need to move confidently in the direction of your dreams.  

3. Business coaching opens up unidentified opportunities. It’s challenging to grow a business alone in this fast-paced, every-changing business environment. The isolation of trying to take your business to the next level is deafening – especially when it comes to innovation. Possibilities are easily overlooked. Business coaching keeps you up-to-date with industry and consumer trends and makes it easier to keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening in the world to direct your business growth. 

4. Business coaching sheds light on your numbers. If you don’t know it, you can’t grow it. Business metrics provide key performance information. Business coaching lends a hand in identifying the right stats to track. Business coaching also helps you understand key metrics that guide your business decisions and keep your business on the right track. You’ll be so impressed with yourself as you uncover the impact of data-driven decisions.

5. Business coaching helps identify the right kind and amount of resources. Selecting vendors to assist with growth initiatives can be a daunting process. One bad choice can be a costly decision for many small business owners. With business coaching, you become a smart consumer of services. You learn the questions to make sure a vendor can deliver on their promises and identify resources that are the best fit for your business. 

Ahhhh! Don’t you feel better already? Who doesn’t love the stress-relieving bubble popping of bubble wrap!? It’s irresistible. And, once you start, it’s nearly impossible to stop. Business coaching is just like bubble popping. It relieves stress, injects massive calm into your day, provides the tools needed to succeed, and keeps you moving in the direction of your dreams. 

Over the years many business owners have asked me how I built my company. My answer always includes at least three things: dedication, support from clients and colleagues, and business coaching (and a little luck).

After all, going it alone isn’t an option when you’re building a business. There’s simply too much to do. From product development to client acquisition strategies to financial planning, running a business can seem like a daunting and overwhelming task. To achieve our goals we all need dependable resources and expert advice in areas that aren’t our strong suit.

For me, that meant working with a business coach. I had always heard about business coaching but I wasn’t sure about the specific benefits I would receive, let alone how to go about choosing a coach. Now, almost six years later, my only regret is that I didn’t start working with my business coach before I started my business.

Here are eight of the ways my company continues to benefit from business coaching:

  1. Better focus: It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re juggling so many different things at once. My business coach helps me see the big picture and then focus on the specific areas that need my attention right away.
  2. Crystal clear goal setting: Setting goals is a critical part of running a business that is often overlooked. You have to have a clear understanding of exactly what you want to achieve before you can formulate a plan. Business coaching has helped me think more strategically to see how every move I make puts me one step closer to my goals.
  3. More accountability: This is a big one for most business owners. In addition to helping you set your goals, a good business coach will hold you accountable for following through on the things you need to do to achieve those goals.
  4. Fruitful brainstorming: It can be difficult to see all of the different ways to tackle a problem by yourself. My business coach is a great sounding board and a creative thinker who always has ideas I never would have considered.
  5. Personal development: Business coaching has been instrumental beyond just growing my business. The skills I’ve learned and knowledge I’ve gained have helped me grow as a person as well.
  6. Experience: An experienced business coach has seen it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly. You simply can’t discount the wisdom that comes from years of working with so many different types of companies and business owners from all walks of life.
  7. Improved profitability: My business has grown every year since I began working with my business coach—even during the leanest years of the recession. I started my company in 2006 but didn’t hire my business coach until 2008—shorty before the start of the recession. I’ve seen an increase in revenue every year, including a 58 percent increase in 2009 and a 40 percent improvement last year. Without business coaching I probably wouldn’t have been able to adapt so well and so quickly to the constantly changing dynamics of the economy.
  8. Smarter financial planning: Running the numbers has always been one of the most challenging parts of running a business for me. My business coach has helped me with everything from developing a budget to pricing new services. I know I can come to her with any financial question and be confident that I’m making a smart decision for my business.

These are just a few of the many ways business coaching has helped me grow and accelerate my business. One of the great things about coaching is that there’s always another challenge to face and more goals to accomplish. Working with a business coach puts an advocate in your corner every step of the way along your road to success.

If you’re considering business coaching to help take your business to the next level, your first call should be to Jackie Nagel. Jackie is a strategic business coach and the president of Synnovatia, a business performance firm that will help your company achieve greater results faster and more effectively.

Scott Siders is the president of Novo Writing, a leading SEO copywriting firm specializing in content marketing. Novo Writing helps businesses increase their visibility online, build their brand and reputation, and drive more qualified prospects to their websites. Learn more about Novo Writing’s content marketing program by visiting

This is Jackie Nagel and I approve this message.  See for yourself what business coaching can do for you.

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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