Bite-Size Chunks of Wisdom

February 2015

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One of the quickest way to self-sabotage your business is to attempt to grow without a plan or goals. Most businesses aren’t accidents—that’s to say they don’t happen without intentionality or direction. Of course, there are a few other factors that self-sabotage your business success. How do you avoid or overcome them? It’s simple, really—you look at the root cause and take the steps to prevent it from happening to you.

Tip #1: Have a well-thought-out, evolving plan.

A strategic plan provides an overview of your strategy and goals. It ensures the realization of your vision for the future. It plays an essential role in staying grounded and focused. When done right, it assists you in overcoming some of your self-sabotaging behaviors, like confidence (both over and lack of), failure to control your costs, unstructured expansion and more.

The key is to take time to create your plan, and go deep with developing the core business elements needed for success.

For the most successful small businesses, the strategic plan is an ever-evolving document. They frequently and regularly reevaluate and amend it to reflect the current happenings within their business.

The sky is the limit, especially when aiming for manageable and reachable stages.

Tip #2: Research tools needed to operate efficiently and effectively.

Knowledge is power. The more you stay up-to-date with the business tools you’ll need to operate efficiently, the better chance you have of preventing traps of self-sabotage traps. 

Not only are tools continually changing, the needs of your clients, and their expectations, fluctuate. Keeping your current clients engaged while attracting new ones is your primary goal. Do you know how to balance that delicate equation? 

What are buyers looking for currently? How do they generally prefer to buy services such as yours? Webinars, Google hangouts, and workshops within your business community keep you connected to what’s trending and how it can be utilized to stay relevant as you grow your business. (Plus, we would be amiss if we didn’t invite you to subscribe to our blog to keep you informed.)

Tip #3: Communicate and collaborate.

Everyone who works with your business play a vital role in your business becoming and maintaining success. Feedback is crucial to ensure all parties involved with your business, including service providers, are aligned with your goals. 

  • Make sure you are openly willing to communicate. Role modeling starts with you.
  • Provide opportunities for everyone to share ideas, accomplishments, and experiences.
  • Be transparent with your expectations. Set clear guidelines and goals. 
  • Let your team know what is working, and direct them to continue those behaviors.
  • Host team-building efforts. Not everything needs to be about business—it can also be about strengthening the teams within it.
  • Allow others to air grievances safely to promote a collaborative, product work environment.

Tip #4: Accept guidance.

Many have trudged the road to successful business practices before you. There are also those who make it their mission to guide companies in the right direction. Trust me, you don’t need to know everything there is to know about running a successful business before it actually happens. Learn from those around you. 

Invest before it’s too late! Engaging a business coach is one of the soundest business activities to preempt problems and stop self-sabotage. 

Are you ready to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors and grow your business? 

It’s sad, but true: small businesses self-sabotage with startling regularity. Any number of factors play into a business failing to grow into its true potential. From a failure of morale to a failure of methods and logistics, more often than not, the inhibition comes from honest good intentions meeting bad ideas. How might your small business growth be subject to self-sabotage? It’s frightening easier than one thinks. 

1. Lack of Confidence. Perhaps the simplest form of self-sabotage that inhibits small business growth is a critical lack of confidence. (Click to Tweet) This lack of confidence makes substantial gains impossible to achieve. Confidence in your product and/or service, your ability to successfully grow your business, and your capacity to take on new responsibilities and new markets all play a vital role in small business growth.

2. Too much Ambition. Shocking, isn’t it! At first glance, this seems quite the opposite of the previous situation but it’s not.  Excessive ambition comes in many forms, not just wasteful overconfidence. A business that attempts to change too rapidly, or expands too broadly, often ends up with less successful results than one which focuses its efforts and develops specific, realistic goals.

3. “In-the-Box” Thinking. Getting trapped in preconceptions about your business limits your ability to grow. (Click to TweetNot every form of growth needs to be ‘the same, but bigger.’ In many cases, your greatest route to growth will be something new and different. Don’t sabotage your potential by closing your mind.

4. Failure to Control Costs. In the excitement of new opportunities and ideas, it’s easy to let costs grow out of control—rendering any gains pointless as you break the bank, even at new heights. Your business partners and employees may appreciate your new spending habits, however, your bottom line will go nowhere if you don’t consider costs alongside growth.

5. Undervaluing Morale.  This is a challenge for any business, growing or not. Employee morale determines efficiency, efficacy, turnover, and myriad other factors in your company’s performance. Keeping employees happy, even if it seems on the surface to be costing time or resources, give you better returns. 

6. Inefficient Operations. Growing companies often suffer as operational systems that barely held together at a smaller size fall apart completely. Waiting for that collapse, then patching the existing system to cover the cracks, wastes time, effort, and efficiency. Build your operations for the business you want…not the business you have. (Click to Tweet)

7. Unstructured Expansion. Expanding without clear goals often results in an enterprise pulling itself in many directions without growing. Develop a strategy for growth…one that includes a plan you can observe, tweak, and follow through on. Without structure, it can be difficult to recognize growth and nurture it.

8. Refusing the Proper Tools. Refusing to adapt to changes in the way a modern business operates can cripple your small business growth. As our ability to analyze and perfect our businesses grows, so too does the edge afforded by the proper tools. Hold back and your competitors will surge ahead.

9. Looking at the Wrong Metrics. Sometimes the obvious place to analyze isn’t the right place to analyze. Looking at the wrong values for your company’s success can lead you down foolish paths. It’s important to consider where your metrics will send you…and what improving certain numbers will truly gain you.

10. Failure to Seize Opportunities. The ultimate source of small business stagnation? A simple failure to seize opportunities. Not every chance to grow your business comes with a guarantee, a warranty, and a big blinking light saying “DO THIS!” (Click to Tweet)

Have you caught yourself in self-sabotaging behaviors? How did you put the brakes on it? 


Business coaching is an intentional interaction between a coach and an entrepreneur endowed with the capacity to take their business to a higher level. This thought-provoking process assumes the coachee is the domain knowledge expert, the master of their craft, and already applies their expertise in running their organization. The work of the strategic business coach, on the other hand, is to assist the entrepreneur to generate the strategies and solutions needed to grow their enterprise.

A Quick History Lesson on Strategic Coaching 

Coaching, as a word, is most associated with sports since it emerged in the early 19th century. The work of the coach was to help athletes achieve the full potential of their talents. 

In the 20th century, management training programs were very common. Managers from different  businesses would participate in the program. The programs were normally pre-set to cut through all businesses. Little consideration was given to the specific needs of each industry or client. It was one-size-fits-all program which proved to have more disadvantages than advantages.

In the 1990s, the need for custom mentoring for business began to emerge. At first, coaching was aimed at improving the performance of the poor performers to make them more productive. My, how things have changed! 

Coaching Trends 2015

As the business world evolves, do does coaching. New approaches replace those no longer yielding intended results.

Some of the top trends in small business coaching today include: 

  • Balance & energy. With the ever-increasing volume of information filling our day, coaching for balance & energy focuses on reducing stress, improving productivity, and finding new, and better, ways of working. With greater efficiency and effectiveness comes new-found energy to help ease the pressure of demand.
  • Strategic planning & thinking. Joining forces with balance and energy, coaching on strategic planning and thinking focuses on better ways to achieve your goals. Together with your coach, you develop workable ideas to improve performance and uncover better, faster ways of getting to the end game. 
  • Clear line of approach. You are the expert in your field. You have numerous opportunities for business growth. Collaborating on your business potential, your coach helps draw a more direct line to your goals.
  • Direct feedback.  Its not easy being objective about our own business. A strategic business coach, as an objective point-of-view, can more easily see the pitfalls, and the prospects, that await you. Are you on track or off track? Together with your coach, you won’t have to guess. 
  • Trend watching. With all the demands of running a business, you may not always have time to keep up with the changing tide. A strategic business coach is a trend watcher and keeps you abreast of shifts in consumer behaviors and opportunities available. 
  • Tools and technology. Technology is rapidly changing the business landscape. New tools are developed daily to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your business. It’s hard to keep up! A strategic business coach can guide you through the maze of “gizmos and gadgets” so that your enterprise remains relevant. 

Business Coaching ROI

Each and every action in your small business benefits from a quantifiable return on investment (ROI). What kind of ROI does strategic small business coaching provide?

Statistics obtained from surveys done on businesses show that the ROI on business coaching is very high. One study done on a Fortune 500 company revealed that executive coaching ROI was as high as 529%. Another study showed that for every dollar invested in coaching, the return was $7.90. That’s a whopping 690%!  These statistics show just how strategic business coaching can help increase your business performance.

In addition to the breakthroughs you’ll make, new energy geared to achieving better results returns positive results. You’ll be able to grow your business to new heights previously out of reach.

Who could ask for anything better? 

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” That’s a philosophical question that’s been asked in seriousness – and jest – throughout the ages. A similar question related to your blog might sound like this…“If a blog is published and no one is around to read it, does it make an impact?”

I think we all know the answer.

 Don’t Keep Your Small Business Blog a Secret
Everyone knows the many benefits of small business blogging. (If you’re not certain, you can read about it here.) Despite that, it can be difficult to know what to do after you hit “publish.”
There are many reasons people are reluctant to share their valuable content. Some of the more common arguments that we hear are:

  • Lack of belief in the value of the information
  • Fear of failure
  • Concern over what others may think
  • Anxiousness over stirring up controversy

By far, the most widespread cause of sharing reluctance is the uncertainty of what to do after you hit “publish” (besides sit back and admire your work). This is where a content delivery system fits in.
Spread the Word About Your Small Business Blog
Your business is unlike any other. It has its distinctive mission, vision, values, and strategies that are unique to you. That’s why a content delivery system developed exclusively for you and your small business is vital.
With that in mind, consider your responses when creating your organizations content delivery system:

1. List the current platforms available for distribution. Don’t panic. You likely will not use all of them to distribute your content (like you are currently doing).  However, you don’t want to leave any stone unturned. Be sure to include your social media platforms, guest blog sites, newsletter articles, slide share, webinars, etc.
2. Identify the resources you have available. Two things that every content delivery system needs to succeed are time and talent. (Click to Tweet) Whether it is your time, or that of others (i.e. staff or strategic service providers), consider the amount of time available to delivery your content once it’s published. Next, think through the talent that is accessible to distribute your content with an approach that produces results.
3. Give each platform a score. Using a simple 1-100 system, rate the effectiveness of the distribution platforms available. For instance, a platform that is more likely to reach your buyer persona, or those already producing results, may net a higher score. The scoring system, although it may seem unnecessary, adds an element of objectivity to the development of your content delivery system. It makes it much easier to say “no” when you really need to, especially in light of the volume of time and talent to be had.
4. Allocate your resources. Based on the amount of time and talent documented, allocate your resources throughout your top scoring platforms. Don’t worry about trying to stretch your assets across all available platforms. When sharing content, it’s better to focus on what is working rather than spread your resources thinly and dilute your efforts…and results. (Click to Tweet)

Be brave. Be bold. Don’t keep your small business blog a secret any longer! Develop a content delivery system that gives you the confidence of clarity and focus of what to do after you hit “publish.”

Do tell! What’s your content delivery secret? 

Replacing employees is time consuming, costly, and frustrating. It’s one thing to hire for a new position, but replacing employees you have spent time and money training is another. If you want to reduce costly turnover and create a more competitive workforce, follow these employee retention strategies for your small business.
1. Keep Employees Motivated With Incentives
Keep your employees motivated and give them a feeling of accomplishment by offering low-cost incentives. They can include giving gift certificates, adding paid time off (PTO), taking them out to lunch, or featuring them in the company newsletter. When implemented right, these types of incentives keep your employees motivated and excited about their work.
2. Offer Benefits to Suit
One-size-fits-all benefits packages simply don’t work. Increase employee retention by providing multiple benefit packages and allowing employees to pick and choose which are best for them.
For example, offer health insurance, life insurance plans, retirement funds, and perhaps even telecommuting opportunities. This employee retention strategy shows employees that you are interested in their personal well-being and that you are willing to accommodate their needs—which gives them even more reasons to stay.
3. Foster Development
Provide employees training on job skills, offer continuing education courses, or even tuition reimbursement for job-related degrees. The more you encourage and reward personal development, the more you’ll be able to retain your best employees and improve morale.
4. Promote From Within
When it’s time to create a new senior position, start the search with your existing employees before searching for outside candidates. When you constantly promote from the outside, employees get frustrated and may stop giving their best since they don’t see any opportunities to grow with your business.
Promoting from within is one of the key employee retention strategies because it shows employees that there is a chance for advancement within your small business.
5. Keep in Contact
Effective communication is critical in any business. Owners and supervisors should be in constant contact with employees. Share your small business’ mission and goals, keep tabs on emerging employee conflicts, show interest in their personal life (when appropriate), and make sure employees know you have an open door policy. Keeping in regular contact can motivate employees and make them more willing to truly care about the growth of your small business.
6. Encourage Feedback – And Listen
Getting employee feedback is important but, all too often, small business owners don’t follow-up or communicate the reasons for certain decisions. While you can’t accommodate everyone’s request, showing that you care enough to ask and fix what you can will go a long way. For example, if employees ask for more flexible hours, see if you can work that into your scheduling. If you get multiple requests for the same thing, it’s an indication that a majority of your staff is looking for change.
Employee turnover is a costly problem for any small business. Following these employee retention strategies can help you retain your best employees—not to mention saving on hiring, training, and much more. Learn more about how you can avoid costly turnover by getting your copy of .

This article first appeared at M.J. Management Solutions, Inc. 

Small business networking, whether conducted online or offline, is the lifeline for new business during the core business development of your business. It’s how you take your organization from one stage to the next. In fact, it’s much more than showing up and shaking a few hands or liking a few pages and commenting on status updates. The real success from small business networking is found in how you treat your network.  

Business Networking with the Law of 250

Years ago I heard one of the most intriguing stories about networking. It demonstrates the importance of “who you know, not what you know,” when it comes to small business networking. (Click to Tweet)

As the story goes, Joe Girard, recognized as the world’s greatest salesman by the Guinness Book of World Records, stumbled across a most interesting fact about people and the scope of their influence.

While attending a Catholic funeral, he noticed “mass cards” being distributed to attendees. The cards were designed to memorialize the departed. Out of curiosity, he asked the mortician how he knew the number of cards to print. According to the mortician,  it was a matter of experience. After counting the number of signatures in a memorial book, the mortician observed a pattern. The average number of attendees at one’s funeral was 250. Therefore, 250 mass cards were routinely printed for each funeral.

Another time, while Joe and his wife were attending a friends wedding, Joe asked the caterer how they determined the number of people to prepare for. (Obviously, this was before RSVP cards were invented.) The caterer remarked that they routinely prepared for 500 people – 250 from the bride’s side and 250 from the grooms side of the family.

Notice a coincidence?

Don’t Dis Your Small Business Network 

Whether your networking efforts take you face-to-face with a group of professionals or browser-to-browser via a social media platform, it’s important to pay attention to Girard’s Law of 250. Although you meet someone that may not perfectly match your buyer persona, they have tremendous influence over an average of 250 unique individuals – many of whom may be your next new clients!

Consider this…If you treat one person rudely or in a way that leaves them feeling dissatisfied, ignored, or upset, you have just lost a potential for 250 new clients. Yowsa! That leaves an indelible mark on your business.

On the other hand, treat your network, and its connections, with respect, consideration, appreciation, and courtesy and watch your small business grow…exponentially.

During a recent coaching conversation, a client began the appointment with this statement: “I’ve been busy!” For most entrepreneurs, that generally means we’ve been running around like a “chicken with our head cut off” (as my Grandma would say) but not getting much accomplished. Yet, when we probed a bit further about what “busy” meant, we discovered that she was more than busy – she was downright productive. The volume of business development tasks completed in the short span of time between business coaching appointments was staggering.

Busy is Not an Entrepreneurs Badge of Honor 

Over time, “busy” has taken on many meanings. In fact, in many circles, entrepreneurs included, “busy” includes everything from checking email (incessantly), to attending meetings (unnecessary), to updating friends on social media (unessential). The definition of “busy” has also expanded to include strategic planning (significant), to marketing (indispensable), to business development (imperative). The subsequent activities are far from “busy” – they are categorically “productive.

The problem that many entrepreneurs face is being caught up in the former definition of “busy,” so much so, that “productive” activities get lumped in with “busy” ones and get placed on a back burner for times when we’re less “busy.” (If you happen to know when an entrepreneur is “less busy,” please tell me. I’ve yet to find it.)

It’s a common held belief that if you’re busy you’re productive and accomplishing a lot. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. For most small business owners, busy work is unfocused. Busy work is comprised of endless activities that suck the time out of your day.

Words Matter to an Entrepreneurs Success

When you tell yourself you’re “busy,” what sort of image does it bring to mind? Frantic. Stressed-out. Overwhelmed. Even reading this arrangement of words (i.e. sentence) likely sends waves of stress reverberating through your body.

But tell yourself – and others – that you’re “productive” and what picture pops into your head? Strength. Determination. Moving forward. Doing what matters. In control. On top of everything. In fact, I bet a smile just crept across your face as you considered this unique notion of productivity.

Words change our perception of reality. Seemingly innocent, simple, straightforward words are scientifically proven to influence the parts of the brain that regulate emotional and physical stress. (Click to Tweet) 

According to research conducted by Andrew Newberg, M.D.. and Mark Robert Waldman outlined in their book Words Change Your Brain, a single word, and its implied nature, can either stimulate the motivational centers in the brain into action, or stimulate our fear center flooding our body with stress-producing hormones. (Click to Tweet)

So, if you’re “busy” with endless actions that have little or no correlation to your goals, call it as such. However, if you’re planning your week, analyzing your goals, tweaking your strategies, and moving closer to your objective, call it what it truly is – productive.

Your brain will thank you.

Telecommuting, commonly called a work-from-home option for corporate employees, is not new to the SOHO (small office – home office) community. For many entrepreneurs, we’ve run successful enterprises from a home office long before Marion Behr coined the phrase “home office” in 1978. In fact, the number of small businesses operating from a home office continues to grow as technology expands and improves. 

According to Forrester Research’s US Telecommuting Forecast, 34 million Americans currently work from home. And, a recent Reuters poll revealed that approximately “one in five workers around the globe, particularly employees in the Middle East, Latin America and Asia, telecommute frequently and nearly 10 percent work from home every day.”

It’s clear to see that telecommuting is gaining credibility – despite how my neighbor may feel about my “home-based business” (said with a bit of a condescending tone).

Blissful Benefits of Working from Home

As a “telecommuter” since 1978, I’ve enjoyed many of the perks of working from my home office.

For instance, the Pacific Ocean backdrops the buzz of coaching conversations. My yoga mat is merely two “cubes” from my desk – if my home office was a cubicle farm (which it’s not). Because of infrequent commuting, my auto mechanic needs to nudge me about oil changes. In fact, researchers tell me that I free up an equivalent of 15 to 25 workdays a year because I telecommute. Yipee! 

I save on overhead costs, like office rent and utilities. I amass savings on fuel, automotive wear & tear, lunches out, and wardrobe expense – after all, how much does a pair of pajamas cost – just to mention a few of the assets I stockpile with a home office.

I also put up with the pitfalls of working from a home office. 

Enduring the Drawbacks of Telecommuting

My neighbor isn’t the only one that infers that running a company from home doesn’t make for a “real” business and I’m sure I’m not alone. 

Well-meaning colleagues, friends, and family may think that since you work from home, you can drop whatever you’re doing to play with them…or fix their computer…or unplug the dishwasher…or unclog the sink…or repair the scanner….or sew a button on their shirt. Ack!

There are the distractions you can do without, such as laundry, home repair projects, dirty dishes, dungy windows, the nonstop disruption of telemarketing calls, and workflow disruption by the retired other half or busy little people…or both. 

Those are the days you wonder if Starbucks is hiring. 

Knowing Thyself Wins the Telecommuting War

Many entrepreneurs, faced with the same tug of war for their time and attention in their wonderful world of telecommuting, discover that self-awareness is key in determining if working from home is right for them.

Telecommuting is most successful when you understand your primary motivators, your unique requirements for performing at your best, your ability to focus in the midst of who-knows-what, and, most importantly, with no one relying on you to be someplace at a certain time, your capacity of discipline. 

Can you work in an office by yourself surrounded by laundry and dirty dishes? 

Here are a few pointers to make your telecommute arrangement more fruitful:

  1. Have separate, designated office space to minimize distractions.
  2. Operate with regular office hours.
  3. Establish a separate, and distinct, business telecommunication channel. 
  4. Make it crystal clear to well-meaning family and friends who don’t think you work a “real job” that you’re working – even if it is from home.
  5. Never shrink from the pride of running a business from a home office. 
  6. Set yourself up for success with the proper tools and technology. After all, working from your home office doesn’t mean you can slack on your professionalism. 

Most importantly, remember, you’re in the company of greats:

  • Apple Inc., started by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak from Steve’s garage
  • Hewlett-Packard, whose original location is now a museum, the HP Garage
  •, internet retailer founded by Jeff Bezos

Now go get dressed! 

It’s highly likely that you launched your small business when you were single and without children. You were able to work whenever you desired – which usually meant “all the time.” Now you’re married with small kids. Priorities have changed and you want to get a grip on your business. You want to leave work at a reasonable time. You want to spend more time with your family and keep up with your growing families activities (kids in soccer, dance, etc).  Is that too much to ask? 

When you launched your small business, your lifestyle allowed you to perform many of the technical aspects of the business yourself. That was fine then…but you can no longer “do it all” and continue to grow. (Click to Tweet) You want strategies to become more efficient. You long for a way to free yourself up to focus on the long-term business development activities that will eventually allow the business to run without your presence.

To Scale or Not to Scale Your Small Business

If you’re like most small business owners, you run your enterprise in your head. Everything from key growth strategies to benchmarks to the process you used to on board a new client are kept in one place – your brain. Ouch! It’s no wonder you’re struggling to scale.

Not all businesses are scalable…nor do all entrepreneurs choose to scale to a point where the enterprise runs without their presence. Even so, every business has operational aspects that can be adapted, and improved upon, that allow for revenue to grow without adding additional costs. (Click to Tweet) For instance, consider the time spent performing the same activities time and time again. That was one of our challenges in the start-up phase of Synnovatia.

Every time we brought on a new client, the same documents and files were emailed to each client. It was a repetitive activity that consumed one of our most valuable resources – time. How could we continue to grow (i.e. scale) without adding more costs and time? It was a frustrating dilemma. Ultimately, we established a private client area called the Client Cafe to improve our operational efficiency. 

Originally, the Client Cafe was for new clients “paperwork.” As our practice grew, we found that was the perfect portal for many of the resource documents used with our clients. It again advanced our operational efficiency to store resource documents in the Client Cafe that clients could access 24/7 rather than rely on us to send via email. 

Attention: Brain Dump Ahead 

Whether you choose to scale your business by adding staff or through improving operational capabilities, what entrepreneurs need most to scale their small business begins with a brain dump. You’ve carried your company’s processes and procedures religiously within your gray matter for years. It’s time to lighten your load. 

During a recent coaching conversation with a client during which we discussed this very subject, it came to light – commonly used procedures resided within the entrepreneurs brain.  No wonder the organization’s employees were struggling with accuracy and inconsistencies in execution of well-worn procedures. They had no road map or checklist to follow. (Click to Tweet

Regardless of your approach to downloading what currently resides on your cerebral cortex, one thing we know for sure – you need a place to store the information in a location that is easy to organize and access – and its not your brain! 

The options for storing your documented activities are endless, however, it appears that one tool is ahead by a nose. With the added benefit of our clients sharing their experience with various tools, it appears that Insightly may be the small business owners dream come true – for more than documenting and following repetitive activities. 

Don’t take our word for it. Check out Insightly and its many features. And, more importantly, get your brain dump on and get ready to scale. 

What other tools have you found helpful in documenting your processes in order to free up your time? 

Running and growing a business is a significant undertaking. You want to do it right. Is it beneficial to hire a coach, or simply a waste of valuable resources? Will a small business coach give you the push you need to succeed in starting and growing your business, or can you achieve success on your own?  Many entrepreneurs wonder if strategic business coaching is right for them. 

Ways Strategic Business Coaching Moves You Forward

International Coach Federation (ICF), a support network for professional coaches, states that 86 percent of companies who invested in business coaching earned back at least what they put in, if not more. (Click to Tweet) Additionally, 96 percent of those companies would hire a coach again. Through its research, ICF also found that working with a business coach increases productivity

Here are other ways business coaching benefits you:

  • It keeps you on track. With regular, structured conferences, business coaching provides a source of accountability to help you stick to your goals.
  • It offers an avenue for sound advice. Professionally trained coaches know the ins and out of the business world, and can use their expertise to guide you in the right direction.
  • It produces attainable goals. One of the biggest mistakes many entrepreneurs make is not clearly defining their goals. A business coach helps you set short and long-term goals, and create a plan that is manageable and effective.

What Happens Without Business Coaching

Starting and growing a business is not impossible without the assistance of a strategic coach, but it is certainly more difficult to grow it alone. Too often we get stuck in our own heads and end up going around in circles, never achieving our ultimate goal. Ugh! While this can be discouraging, all it takes to stop spinning is a little outside perspective.

Someone who is not as emotionally invested in your business venture can often see your business with greater objectivity. It’s good to have a head in the game who can tell you – from an unbiased point of view – how your target audience will respond to your marketing strategies.  

Certainly success is achievable without the guidance of a coach. There’s a great deal to be said for hard work, dedication, and dreams. You’ll reach your goals, so don’t give up.

Just keep in mind that working with a business coach can get you there more quickly – and with much less stress.   

Core Business Assessment


Brooke Billingsley

Vice President
Perception Strategies

Synnovatia is a strategic coaching firm that is detailed and knowledgeable about business. i have a small business that grew from $150K to $750K because of the goal setting and resources that Synnovatia provided. It saves me years of learning on my own.

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